Cat-alogue is a cat library with a café. This website allows for users to book reservations, gain information on their library, cafe, and the company in general, as well as view and adopt the current cats in the library. 

Cat-alogue's library functions as a regular library — one where customers can hold library cards and check out media as normal, and this website allows for users to create these library cards/accounts online and keep track of their books. They promote cat adoptions and get cats off of the street and into a nice environment before they are adopted by loving families. Cat-alogue doesn't just save the local kitties, though, they also provide a venue for small, "on the come up" authors and food businesses to showcase their work and gain some publicity. 
This was a purely creative and limitless website design project, pushing boundaries and rules in website design. It was intended for this website to not be developed or coded (imagine how hard that would be for developers, though, amiright?!).
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